Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday morning

Hi there,

Yesterday when I dropped V at school the morning teacher told me that he is the best block builder she'd ever seen. :) Apparently he goes straight to the blocks in the a.m. and just has these ideas in his head of towers and buildings and builds these really beautiful symmetrical things while all the other kids who play with the blocks pile them up haphazardly. She said he's a little engineer.

I thought the grandparents (and uncle) would like that little bit of bragging.

(To balance it out, he also got in big trouble yesterday at school for calling his friends names, laughing when he was told to stop and ignoring the teacher, and generally not listening. Yep, my superstar...)


Jil Wrinkle said...

It must be comfortable knowing that Vincent is so smart.

You and I were lucky that we had our own private kindergarten teacher to tutor us up to unprecedented levels during our infancy before starting school.

I noted that my niece Doreen only scored 80% on drawing circles and squares and triangles in school recently, and was momentarily shocked, until I realized that she is perfectly normal for her age: It was my own upbringing and jump on life (and subsequent kindergarten success) that was abnormal.

Jil Wrinkle said...

By the way: I remember when I was in my second year of nursery school, I got hold of the blocks and built a 3-story office building, with pillars, girders, stairs, and even a lobby.

It actually is probably one of my earliest school memories, because my construction garnered so much positive attention from both the teachers and the students alike. Then, while the rest of the class went off to do other things, I was allowed to continue alone in my building efforts, which really impressed upon me that I must be doing something great. I even remember that when I was finished, I was allowed to take a magic marker and write the address of the building on the eave above the main entrance, which I thought was a bit scandalous to be messing up one of the blocks with marker... but did so anyway.

Hmm... my genes must run strongly in your son's veins, little sister. Oh... yeah... hmm... sorry if he turns out to be exactly like me. (shudder)

Anonymous said...

I can remember Jil's buildings at home with lincoln logs, blocks. They were spectacular. Sounds like your little guy is destined for great things. Too bad he's not old enuf to help Obama.