Thursday, September 17, 2009

First sick day, though I'm not sure it wasn't first nightmare day

V usually sleeps like a rock, twelve hours, 7 to 7 every night. Last night, though, he started hollering and crying for me at 10 (which was actually after I had gone to bed). I went in and he was so sad so I put him on my lap and cuddled him, and he was SO hot. I thought he might have a fever, and he was asking for a drink of water, so I called for Dan who brought in water, Motrin, and the thermometer. Too bad the thermometer battery was dead, but we gave him the Motrin anyway, and sent Robbie to the drugstore to buy a new one (he was hanging out playing video games when this all happened, so it wasn't like I woke him up. Though he probably would have gotten up for V). By the time he got back with a new thermometer, V didn't have a fever, and went back to sleep (though he woke up a bit later having to go to the bathroom, good job on not peeing in your sleep, buddy!). We decided that if he had a fever this morning when the Motrin wore off, we'd keep him home.

So this morning, I go in at 7, when we would normally be getting cereal and getting ready for school, and he's still out cold. I took his temp again and it was totally normal, but he was so sleepy, I just let him sleep and Dan agreed to stay home with him today and we'd see how it went. Well, he slept til 8, and today told Dan all about how the reason he was hollering for me was that he had had a terrible nightmare, and I needed to go help him because the big bad wolf was climbing up his crib four times, FOUR TIMES!, and I needed to put the rail down to squash it. (And yes, he is still in a crib, I have gotten new linens for his big boy bed, and we've tentatively picked it out, but we need to go to the store and look at it as a family, which Dan couldn't do last weekend, something about a hundred mile bike race..., but we ARE going this weekend. I promise we are not trying to stunt his development or something. )

So apparently he got a day off from school because of nightmares. It gets better: our preschool instituted a policy that if a kid has a fever and a cough (and V always seems to have a cough lately), then the kid must stay home for TEN DAYS. (They better be counting weekends too). So even though I didn't know for sure, the fact that I said "I think he did, though he's fine this morning" when they asked me if V had a fever, well that could mean I'm working from home at least part of the time for the next week and a half. We'll see. Fortunately I'm not teaching so I won't be dropping the ball for my students. So it's possible he gets a week and a half off from school thanks to the big bad wolf.

In other news: the beluga whales are pregnant at the Shedd Aquarium, where Robbie is doing his internship. They're literally about to go any moment. So we're sitting around tonight and every time his phone buzzes with a text message or email we call out, "Beluga babies?", but no dice. He's very excited and nervous. It's pretty funny.


Jil Wrinkle said...

So Robbie and Vincent are both completely occupied by wildlife.

Working with wildlife always sounded like a cool thing. Maybe in my next iteration, Epril and I will be out in the Russian taiga monitoring the snow leopard population or some gorillas-in-the-mist scenario like that.

Anonymous said...

Good for you to keep V. home. Sometimes it's a call you just have to make. As you know, it won't be the first time.

That's quite a sickness policy - 10 days. BUT...No one or no places are fooling around with sickness this year. Thank you, Swine Flu.

So Robbie is going to be a special person in the life of some beluga whales babies... Great! Keep us posted.